
SCPI Commands :

class PulmCls[source]

Pulm commands group definition. 46 total commands, 4 Subgroups, 10 group commands

get_delay() float[source]
value: float = driver.source.pulm.get_delay()

Sets the pulse delay.


delay: float

get_impedance() InpImpRf[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:PULM:IMPedance
value: enums.InpImpRf = driver.source.pulm.get_impedance()

Sets the impedance for the external pulse trigger and pulse modulation input.


impedance: G50| G10K

get_mode() PulsMode[source]
value: enums.PulsMode = driver.source.pulm.get_mode()

Selects the mode for the pulse modulation.


mode: SINGle| DOUBle | PTRain SINGle Generates a single pulse. DOUBle Generates two pulses within one pulse period. PTRain Generates a user-defined pulse train. Specify the pulse sequence with the commands: [:SOURcehw]:PULM:TRAin:ONTime [:SOURcehw]:PULM:TRAin:OFFTime [:SOURcehw]:PULM:TRAin:REPetition

get_period() float[source]
value: float = driver.source.pulm.get_period()

Sets the period of the generated pulse, that means the repetition frequency of the internally generated modulation signal.


period: float The minimum value depends on the installed options R&S SMAB-K22 or R&S SMAB-K23 Range: 20E-9 to 100

get_polarity() NormalInverted[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:PULM:POLarity
value: enums.NormalInverted = driver.source.pulm.get_polarity()

Sets the polarity of the externally applied modulation signal.


polarity: NORMal| INVerted NORMal Suppresses the RF signal during the pulse pause. INVerted Suppresses the RF signal during the pulse.

get_source() SourceInt[source]
value: enums.SourceInt = driver.source.pulm.get_source()

Selects between the internal (pulse generator) or an external pulse signal for the modulation.


source: INTernal| EXTernal

get_state() bool[source]
value: bool = driver.source.pulm.get_state()

Activates pulse modulation.


state: 1| ON| 0| OFF

get_threshold() float[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:PULM:THReshold
value: float = driver.source.pulm.get_threshold()

Sets the threshold for the input signal at the [Pulse Ext] connector.


threshold: float Range: 0 to 2, Unit: V

get_ttype() PulsTransType[source]
value: enums.PulsTransType = driver.source.pulm.get_ttype()

Sets the transition mode for the pulse signal.


source: SMOothed| FAST SMOothed flattens the slew rate, resulting in longer rise/fall times. FAST enables fast transitions with shortest rise and fall times.

get_width() float[source]
value: float = driver.source.pulm.get_width()

Sets the width of the generated pulse, that means the pulse length. It must be at least 20ns less than the set pulse period.


width: float Range: 20E-9 to 100

set_delay(delay: float) None[source]
driver.source.pulm.set_delay(delay = 1.0)

Sets the pulse delay.

param delay:


set_impedance(impedance: InpImpRf) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:PULM:IMPedance
driver.source.pulm.set_impedance(impedance = enums.InpImpRf.G10K)

Sets the impedance for the external pulse trigger and pulse modulation input.

param impedance:

G50| G10K

set_mode(mode: PulsMode) None[source]
driver.source.pulm.set_mode(mode = enums.PulsMode.DOUBle)

Selects the mode for the pulse modulation.

param mode:

SINGle| DOUBle | PTRain SINGle Generates a single pulse. DOUBle Generates two pulses within one pulse period. PTRain Generates a user-defined pulse train. Specify the pulse sequence with the commands: [:SOURcehw]:PULM:TRAin:ONTime [:SOURcehw]:PULM:TRAin:OFFTime [:SOURcehw]:PULM:TRAin:REPetition

set_period(period: float) None[source]
driver.source.pulm.set_period(period = 1.0)

Sets the period of the generated pulse, that means the repetition frequency of the internally generated modulation signal.

param period:

float The minimum value depends on the installed options R&S SMAB-K22 or R&S SMAB-K23 Range: 20E-9 to 100

set_polarity(polarity: NormalInverted) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:PULM:POLarity
driver.source.pulm.set_polarity(polarity = enums.NormalInverted.INVerted)

Sets the polarity of the externally applied modulation signal.

param polarity:

NORMal| INVerted NORMal Suppresses the RF signal during the pulse pause. INVerted Suppresses the RF signal during the pulse.

set_source(source: SourceInt) None[source]
driver.source.pulm.set_source(source = enums.SourceInt.EXTernal)

Selects between the internal (pulse generator) or an external pulse signal for the modulation.

param source:

INTernal| EXTernal

set_state(state: bool) None[source]
driver.source.pulm.set_state(state = False)

Activates pulse modulation.

param state:

1| ON| 0| OFF

set_threshold(threshold: float) None[source]
# SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:PULM:THReshold
driver.source.pulm.set_threshold(threshold = 1.0)

Sets the threshold for the input signal at the [Pulse Ext] connector.

param threshold:

float Range: 0 to 2, Unit: V

set_ttype(source: PulsTransType) None[source]
driver.source.pulm.set_ttype(source = enums.PulsTransType.FAST)

Sets the transition mode for the pulse signal.

param source:

SMOothed| FAST SMOothed flattens the slew rate, resulting in longer rise/fall times. FAST enables fast transitions with shortest rise and fall times.

set_width(width: float) None[source]
driver.source.pulm.set_width(width = 1.0)

Sets the width of the generated pulse, that means the pulse length. It must be at least 20ns less than the set pulse period.

param width:

float Range: 20E-9 to 100

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.source.pulm.clone()
